Twelve (12) Bottle Stand Up Pulp Shipper Kit
Molded pulp trays are one of the most prominent and beneficial packaging materials used today. It’s a cost-effective way to ship your wine bottles safely and securely, without running the risk of any bottles breaking in the process. Not only that, but it’s 100% safe for the environment.
With our stand-up wine shipping kit, 12 bottles of wine easily fit inside molded paper pulp trays. Those trays then fit snug inside a corrugated cardboard shipping box for added protection. Between molded pulp trays and corrugated cardboard, your wine is more than protected.
Don’t let shipping wine become a harder job than it has to be. Each kit comes with a bottom tray, a middle tray for secure separation, and a top tray for easy stackability. We even offer discounts to anyone interested in buying bulk, so feel free to stock up today!
You receive a bottom tray, a middle bottle separator, and a top tray that hold twelve (12) bottles and one (1) shipping box per kit.
The minimum order is 5 kits (5 bottoms, 5 middles, 5 tops & 5 outer shipping boxes). Trays fit bottles up to 3 5/8" wide.
Kit includes outer carton 18 3/8" x 14" x 14 3/8".